Idolatry Pays Off at Transport Canada
Lisgar O’Connor performed at the Department of Transport Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign blitz, at Place de Ville, on Sparks Street, in Ottawa, Thursday September 30.
Hundreds of people gathered to listen to Lisgar O'Connor as well as other artists, singers and musicians. There is definitely a lot of talent in Ottawa.
It doesn’t matter how long musicians have been performing live, it is always very humbling to see the courage, dedication and chutzpah of other performers, belly-dancers, virtuoso bass players, and Cindy Lauper and Shania Twain impersonators, willing to share the fruit of their hard work on stage for a good cause.
The theme of the event was "Are you a Transport Canada idol?"
"If we are going to be idols," said Bill and Sly, "we think it’s only appropriate to have scantily-clad ladies dancing on a jungle beat, and an adoring crowd offering a significant sacrifice to a worthy cause."
Lovely Chantal fulfilled the first part of this requirement by performing her "Dance of the seven veils" routine in front of a stunned and emotional audience.
Transport Canada employees raised more than $214,000 dollars for local charities that day. Lisgar O’Connor are satisfied with this sacrifice and will pray the gods to spare the city of Ottawa from their wrath.
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