Monday, May 30, 2005

A Lisgar O'Connor fan teaches the next generation

Last Saturday Bill and Sly attended Manon Roy's Annual Student Recital at University of Ottawa's Freiman Hall. Manon is a great supporter of Lisgar O'Connor and we feel privileged to count her among our friends. She successfully shares her love for music with children, teenagers and adults alike. Manon is one of the many talented piano teachers in the Ottawa-Gatineau area as well as a fantastic performer herself (you should hear her shred to pieces Chopin, Schubert and Haendel - not all at once, mind you). We were very impressed by the level of proficiency she conveyed to her students. Thank you Manon for sharing the light!

By the way, if you're looking for piano lessons, Manon's class will have a couple of openings in the Fall. Email us at and we'll put you through to her.


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